Jotaro plays!!
The first, and only time so far, that Jotaro has really concentrated and played with one of his toys. This is a great set of chimes that Rob & Ann sent us. Thanks guys.丈太郎は初めて玩具で遊んだ
With Jotaro and Yukiko at home things are often quite busy around here. Jotaro is definitely getting bigger and his face is really filling out. He hasn't spent much time outside yet so I'm looking forward to warmer weather so I can take him around the neighbourhood a little.
Yukiko & Jotaro at her parents' house. 由紀子と丈太郎は由紀子の実家にいる。
Jotaro in his new crib. 丈太郎と新しいベビーベッド
Jotaro with the great teddy bear we received from Uncle Tony & Aunt Carol in England. イギリスの伯父さん、伯母さんからもらったテディーベア。
Yukiko shows off her birthday presents from my mum. ジェイのお母さんからの由紀子への誕生日プレゼント
And now, a quick flashback to the time just before Jotaro joined us...
Yuka in her highly fashionable Roots rain coat.
We had just recently found a kids amusement center near our apartment called 'Amazing World'. Yuka and Keiko joined us for a few trips there. When Jo is a little bigger and more mobile we'll definitely take him.
One is big, one is small, but can you tell which?
With Jotaro and Yukiko at home things are often quite busy around here. Jotaro is definitely getting bigger and his face is really filling out. He hasn't spent much time outside yet so I'm looking forward to warmer weather so I can take him around the neighbourhood a little.
Yukiko & Jotaro at her parents' house. 由紀子と丈太郎は由紀子の実家にいる。
Jotaro in his new crib. 丈太郎と新しいベビーベッド
Jotaro with the great teddy bear we received from Uncle Tony & Aunt Carol in England. イギリスの伯父さん、伯母さんからもらったテディーベア。
Yukiko shows off her birthday presents from my mum. ジェイのお母さんからの由紀子への誕生日プレゼント
And now, a quick flashback to the time just before Jotaro joined us...
Yuka in her highly fashionable Roots rain coat.
We had just recently found a kids amusement center near our apartment called 'Amazing World'. Yuka and Keiko joined us for a few trips there. When Jo is a little bigger and more mobile we'll definitely take him.
One is big, one is small, but can you tell which?