Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Jotaro plays!!

The first, and only time so far, that Jotaro has really concentrated and played with one of his toys. This is a great set of chimes that Rob & Ann sent us. Thanks guys.丈太郎は初めて玩具で遊んだ

With Jotaro and Yukiko at home things are often quite busy around here. Jotaro is definitely getting bigger and his face is really filling out. He hasn't spent much time outside yet so I'm looking forward to warmer weather so I can take him around the neighbourhood a little.

Yukiko & Jotaro at her parents' house. 由紀子と丈太郎は由紀子の実家にいる。

Jotaro in his new crib.  丈太郎と新しいベビーベッド

Jotaro with the great teddy bear we received from Uncle Tony & Aunt Carol in England. イギリスの伯父さん、伯母さんからもらったテディーベア。

Yukiko shows off her birthday presents from my mum. ジェイのお母さんからの由紀子への誕生日プレゼント

And now, a quick flashback to the time just before Jotaro joined us...

Yuka in her highly fashionable Roots rain coat.

We had just recently found a kids amusement center near our apartment called 'Amazing World'. Yuka and Keiko joined us for a few trips there. When Jo is a little bigger and more mobile we'll definitely take him.

One is big, one is small, but can you tell which?

Friday, April 14, 2006


Yukiko and Jo are coming home this evening. They've been at her parents' house in Osaka for nearly a month so it will be nice for them to settle in here. I've tidied everything up and finally put together Jo's baby bed. Actually, as I was setting up the bed last night I screwed up slightly and stuck a dowel in the wrong place. I was having a real tough time trying to get it out when my mum gave me some great advice. She suggested I use a corkscrew to get it out. Of course it worked perfectly. I never figured my mum for a handyman but there you are.
By the way, my mum's biopsy report came back and she is officially clear of cancer now. Great going mum. All she's got to do now is take a pill every day. Unfortunately, we just learned that my cousin in England was diagnosed with leukemia. I'll just have to send my positive energy over there now.
School has started up again and I am really happy with my schedule. I picked up an extra class so I have a total of 13 classes per week. I have nothing on Wednesdays though so I'll always have at least one day off per week. On Fridays I only have morning classes so I'll be able to come home early. Monday is my busiest day, with 4 classes, but there are lots of holidays on Mondays so it's the best possible day to be busy on! 8 of my classes are regular stream, 2nd year English conversation classes which only use a textbook. So that's 8 identical lessons per week. Sure it's a little boring for me but the class prep time is almost zero. Compared to my 5 Internation Program classes per week which are all different and require quite a bit of preparation.

Here are some purikura, or print club, pictures that Yukiko and I took before she had the baby. I thought I had lost them at my school when I scanned them last month but they finally turned up last week.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

I got peed on

Yes, I am now officially a papa.
Which leads me to my question for everyone. Have any good ideas on how to change a baby boy's diaper while minimizing the ever present lawn-hose-going-off danger?