Wednesday, June 09, 2004

The Tuesday Report

Ok, here's a usual Tuesday in my life in Japan. Well this year I have absolutely no classes on Tuesdays. I've also got nothing in the evenings. It is a completely free day!! So I woke up with Yukiko (she's not as fortunate as me, she's still got to go to work) and made her some breakfast. Then I lounged around for a few hours on the Internet, reading various news web sites (Yahoo News, The Vancouver Sun), friends web sites, checking email, etc. Then I watched an old episode of Twin Peaks. I participate in a weekly Twin Peaks discussion group at Every week they watch a different episode and discuss it. I'll admit I'm a bit of a Twin Peaks freak. It's one of my favourite TV shows and I've gotten quite a few friends and roommates hooked on it over the years. I even went to the filming locations in Snoqualmie Washington with my parents about 4 years ago. That's the extent of my craziness though. I don't dress up as any of the characters or wear Spock ears or anything like that.
I also wasted about an hour playing a computer game (hey I work the other 6 days of the week remember?). It's the Warcraft3 expansion pack. I've been patiently working on it for a few months now and I'm almost finished. Controlling small, pixelated armies of humans, elves, orcs and/or the undead lets you, momentarily at least, satiate that desire we all have to occasionally pillage, plunder and generally smite others.
In the evening I met up with Yukiko and we went to a spaghetti restaurant together. Yukiko had been there with her friends a week before but it was my first time. It was delicious. They're specialty is a bacon & eggplant spaghetti. Yukiko took my bacon in exchange for some of her eggplant. Now that's teamwork.

What do you call an eggplant? Do you know that an eggplant has many different names, even in English speaking countries? Known as an eggplant in North America, an aubergine in Europe & Australia - according to my dad it is called a 'garden egg' in Jamaica. I wonder if there are any other English names out there? Here are some foreign names for eggplant; Japanese - nasubi, Spanish - berenjena, Italian - melanzana.

Okay, enough of the eggplant interlude. After dinner Yukiko and I went to our local fitness center (Tipness) for a workout. It's usually somewhat expensive to be a member of this club, but we have a corporate membership through Yukiko's company. We just pay 500 yen (about $5) each time we go. That includes a free rental of towels, shorts, t-shirt and even shoes. No need to wash my stinky, sweaty workout clothes. Thank you Tipness. And that's a typical Tuesday for me.


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