Monday, August 02, 2004

School Daze

Well it was a busy weekend and the next 2 weeks will be even busier still. I only had 1 wedding to do on Saturday afternoon and I was planning on just making it a day trip to Tokushima. However a big typhoon was scheduled to hit Saturday morning so my wedding company asked me to leave the evening before. They there worried that the bridges would be closed and I wouldn't be able to make it to the wedding. I guess they didn't care if I'd be able to get home or not though. So I went Friday evening and spent the night at a fancy hotel right next to the station.
The typhoon did come on Saturday but all it really meant was that it was very windy and rainy. I wouldn't have gone snorkeling that day but otherwise it didn't present any problems. My bus left on time and I met Yukiko at home for a great Japanese dinner she cooked, goya champuru. It's a little bitter but delicious.
Afterwards we raced to Umeda to see some of our friends' band in concert at Banana Hall. Sara and Toshimitsu are moving to San Francisco next week so it was the last concert for Purple Monkey Dishwasher. It was a great show and luckily I decided to take our video camera and record it. So I can give anyone who wants it a divx video of the show, or a mp3 audio version. We all went to an izakaya afterwards for some well deserved beer and snacks.
On Sunday evening a big group of us met up (Yukiko & I, Sara & Toshimitsu, Jennifer from Tokyo, Mary and Craig) and went to a vegetarian Chinese restaurant in Senri Chuo. Sara is also a vegetarian. In fact she's much stricter than I am in Japan. I'll grudgingly eat soup with a fish based stock, she won't. So she's never eaten ramen. We all went very gung-ho ordering just about everything from the menu. There are over 100 dishes to choose from and they are all delicious. It's so nice being able to try things I would never normally eat, although I drew the line at the vegetarian eel dish. The food was great and we'll definitely be going back. We all got a free round of beers too!!
Today I've got lots of school work to do. Besides the Linguistics course that began last week, for the next 2 weeks I'll be taking an intensive Japanese course in Sannomiya. 3 hours a day, 4 days a week.
On Friday Yukiko & I and her friends ,Kawakami & Yano, will be going to Awaji Shima to enjoy hot springs and an attraction called Igirisu-oka (English Hill). I have no idea what will be there, perhaps lots of bewildered English tourists milling about and forming queues. I love hot springs, especially outdoor ones, but I normally wouldn't even consider going to one in the middle of the summer heat. So this will be a new experience for me.
On the 10th my friend Norman from Tokushima is coming up to Osaka for his regular Costco shopping spree. I'll be meeting up with him and I plan to get a membership as it will be my first time at the Costco here. Which is strange because we live so close to it. Yukiko has already placed an order with me for some big 2 litre bottles of cranberry juice, a big apple pie and some chocolate brownie mix. Thank god they deliver.


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