Saturday, April 23, 2005

Pride Bound

Tomorrow I'll be heading off to my first ever, live Pride show in Japan. In case you don't know what Pride is, it is not a gay sponsored or related event. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Pride is a mixed martial arts show that is very similar to the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) in America. I've been a fan since University and it is one of the reasons I took up martial arts around that time. Would I ever try it? Not a chance. I'm far too big of a wimp for that. And my big beautiful nose wouldn't look as good bent 30 degrees to the side. Nope, I'm just a spectator. This show is actually the openning round of a 3 round middlweight grand prix tournament. 15 of the 16 fighters are among the best in the world and I'm looking forward to some great fights. The 16th fighter is a Korean Judoka that I've never heard of and I'm sure is just fodder for his Japanese opponent. Technically I've got a ringside seat but I'll still be some distance from the ring. Hopefully I'll be able too all the action. I was planning to go with some friends who all said they wanted to go. However, when the time came to buy tickets they all bailed for various reason. No problem, I'm happy to go by myself.
Besides watching the fights I'm hoping to meet some of the fighters/trainers and, if I can weasel my way in, get into the post-fight party.


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