Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas, Happy Chanuka, and a Quality Kwanzaa to all!
My last post detailed my trip to Tokushima on Thursday. On Friday the sun was shining, the snow was all melted, and the buses were all running. So I wasted over 5 hours on Thursday by leaving early. D'oh!
I'm a little bittersweet about leaving my chapel in Tokushima. The staff are very friendly and I've become friends with many of the locals. But... switching to a chapel that is MUCH closer and not having to stay in a hotel every weekend will be fantastic.

My Wedding Chapel in Tokushima.

The choir.

Oda-san, the chapel coordinator.

Since coming back home I've finally had a chance to test drive the new machine. Despite living in Japan for approximately 7 years this is the first time I've ever driven here. The only other time I have driven on the left side of the road was when I was in Australia for the Millenium Countdown at the end of 1999. My first destination... Costco. Ah Costco, now I can go anytime I like to buy veggie burgers and 2 gallon bottles of cranberry juice. Thank goodness for the Navi computer because I don't have a clue where I'm going. Riding the rails for this many years will do that to you I suppose. Driving wasn't a problem, however I did find it annoying that the turn signal lever and the windshield wiper lever were reversed from what I'm used to. So every time I wanted to turn I started cleaning the windows. Hopefully I'll get through this phase quickly. I did have 1 slightly exciting thing happen along the way to Costco too. While I was stopped behind a car waiting to cross traffic and enter a parking lot the jerk behind me started honking incessantly. The traffic to our left was very busy so there was no way for me to get around the car in front of me, which this guy obviously couldn't see. Yukiko even got angry at him and started yelling back. Nice to see that road rage isn't just confined to California highways.
Yukiko's sister and her family came over to help us celebrate Christmas. Yukiko prepared a nice Costco chicken and we ate a great meal together. Everyone got presents and had a really great time. I opened a big package from my brother Rob and his wife Ann. They are super present packers. It was chock-a-block full of goodies: baby toys, matching Christmas themed pillows and towels, and more! Wow. It's gonna be hard to top that when we, ahem, finally, send our presents off.

Keiko, Yukiko, Seigo and Yuka sit around our little table.

Yuka plays with new fire truck that her mum and dad bought for her at a nearby 2nd hand kids specialty shop.


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