Livin la vida loco
Yesterday was my usual day off and Yukiko took the day off as well. We had a few of her friends, Yano and Yoko, over for a lunch party. Yoko brought her 1 year old daughter Fuka and she is such a cutie. She was pretty quiet and relaxed although she did attempt to remove every book from our bookshelf... a few times. What a bookworm!
In the evening Yukiko and I relaxed under our air conditioner and watched an old video I bought for her from a 'used video store'. I put that in parenthesis because in Japan used video stores are really just porn shops. They generally have a few shelves of old, regular Hollywood movies stacked outside for a few hundred yen to give the shop a facade of legitimacy but inside there is just wall to wall porn. Now I'm sure that everyone is thinking how cool it is that I'm writing about watching porn on my blog. Sorry to disappoint you but I'm probably the only person in Japan who actually looks through those shelves of cheap videos outside the video shops. Besides, who needs to buy pornography when the Internet is chock-a-block full of it. Not to mention that I probbbbbbbbbbbbbbably wouldn't write about it here. Anyways, I bought the movie 'Quick Change' for Yukiko because it stars Bill Murray. Yukiko has become a big fan of his since watching 'Lost in Translation' and 'Kingpin'.
Thought for the day: Isn't it a little bit strange that this blog's automatic spellchecker doesn't recognize the word 'blog'?