Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Typhoons, Tsunami & Earthquakes

Yes, this week has really had it all. On Sunday there were 2 big quakes in the local Kansai area. Yukiko & I were at home at the time and it was a little scary. The 2nd quake, just before midnight, measured 7.3. That's bigger than the famous Hanshin quake that killed over 6000 people in Kobe a short time back. Luckily these quakes occured offshore of a sparsely populated area. These quakes generated small tsunami (only 1 meter) that overturned some boats. Even after these quakes smaller quakes have struck all across Japan. Just while watching a movie on TV tonight there were reports of 2 quakes happening in Niigata prefecture. These quakes have led a lot of people into talking about the tonankai, a giant earthquake that has struck in Japan about every 100 years for the last 500 years. Was this it? I hope so.
On top of all this, today typhoon #18 (typhoons are just numbered in Japan, they are not give women's names) hit Kansai. Trains were cancelled, the streets were flooded and unfortunately about 10 or so people died. Many of those were foreign sailors on boats that overturned and sank.
On the positive side of things I took my 3rd Linguistics quiz today and scored my 3rd consecutive perfect mark. This test, like the others before, was relatively easy though. I'm sure the upcoming research and critique essays will be more demanding.

My parents went to visit my brother's family in Ohio a few weeks ago and they sent me some great pics. Enjoy...

Big John (Dad), Rob, Little John & Mum

What a cute... RED eyed baby!

Somebody change this diorama stat!

The following act didn't stand a chance


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