Monday, August 23, 2004

Save the letter 'H'

I've been reading in my linguistics textbook that the sound 'h' is an endangered sound in English. More and more people are electing not to say it. Damn that Cockney English. If 'h' goes it could start a domino effect and take out 'i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p' too (note: this is just my personal opinion, don't think so poorly of my current educational institution). Let's all take pride in our phonemic library and make a nice breathy 'h'.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Jason. Sorry to write this here, but I didn't have your e-mail address...oh, wait. It's probably in my little yellow book everyone signed. Oops. Anyway, I e-mailed and they said you need to e-mail them about the gift certificate. I tried to access my account with them, but I'd forgotten I'd only used it for the university, so I hadn't used my credit card or given them my personal address.
I hope you are keeping up with our lives via Toshimitsu's blog! I saw that you have been listening to Purple Monkey Dishwasher's CD! Thank you again for making it for us. It turned out great! We finally watched the DVD on our brand new TV/DVD player. We truly rocked the house that night, but we couldn't have done it without your support. Thanks again!

4:26 PM  

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