Friday, October 01, 2004

Yet another Typhoon...

Well another big typhoon swept out of nowhere yesterday and hit the western part of Japan. Besides a lot of rain and strong winds we were alright. But I read that quite a few elderly people died while fishing etc... What they there doing fishing in a typhoon though I don't know. The typhoon was still 'officially' with us this morning so I got a call at about 6am telling me that school was cancelled for the day. Of course today turned out to be nothing but clear and beautiful skies. I couldn't think of a better day to have off! However I had lots of work to do so I spent the day doing assignments for my linguistics class. Yukiko also took the day off and spent most of it studying her TOEFL materials. After dinner we went to Tsukaguchi for some udon and to work out at Tipness. These days my workouts mainly consist of cardio training as I want to trim off a few pounds; almost an hour jogging on the treadmill, 30 mins on the step machine and another 30 on a stationary bike. Yukiko and I also did the power rush class again, which is aerobics with a barbell.
Tomorrow I'm back to school but it's been a pretty easy week. Tuesday was my day off, Wed was a holiday and today was cancelled because of the typhoon. 2 day work weeks are the way to go. Unfortunately I have to work Sat & Sun :(

Cell phone photo of Yuka-chan

Little John

My brother Rob with John


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