Monday, July 04, 2005

Cry Freedom!

School is out for summer, school is out forever. OK well not forever, but out for the summer is still great. 2 months of paid holidays. This is why I live in Japan. I'll still be working on weekends but and on a few select weekdays but nothing too strenuous. Which is good because the summer heat and humidity have descended on us with a fury. A big, sweaty fury.
Plans for the summer: firstly and most importantly is a big trip to America to see my family. I'll get to see my nephew John-Robert and his house for the first time. My parents will also be flying in from Vancouver so it will be a family reunion too. Just over a week in Ohio and then we're all of to North Carolina to stay in a rental house on the seashore. Here are some pics of the place. Doesn't it look great!

Secondly, head on up to Nagoya to check out the World Expo going on until September. Yukiko and I will probably go there on a 1 day bus tour with her cousin Naoko.

Thirdly, start up the 3rd semester of my linguistics course.

Lastly, say farewell to one of my best friends over here, Dan, who will be heading back to the States. Such is the nature of Japan, most of your foreigner friends will eventually leave. A few weeks ago Dan, Matt and I went to a paintball-like game center. But instead of paint they used small plastic pellets. They didn't ruin your clothes but they sure stung.

Hey is that one of the guys from Rainbow 6??

Kids - guns don't make you cool... it's the haircuts that do it.

Last but not least, Yukiko brought home a cute little katoributa for our apartment. It's a pig-shaped mosquito repeller. I'm sure Susan ( will be proud.

oink oink


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Proud, I am indeed. =O

8:42 PM  

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